about Us

Some people said it was luck and some said it was fate but I told them it was the work of Chaos Theory. We were a group of “surfers” that do not know each other that were patronizing a “Kopitiam” in Kuantan, not for the great coffee but for the free WiFi connectivity. We were web and graphic designers, a retired sales and marketing manager who is active with environmental issues, a blogger that blog just about everything and anything, a strategic consultant, a snooker sport event and tournament promoter, and an avid online gamer that has more contacts online that you can ever imagine.
Some of us were downloading, uploading, gaming and whatever else people does online these days when we lost connectivity.
“Sh*t! F**k! D*mn!” was echoed round the group of us about the same moment and that made us looked at one another and laughed out loud. From chaos we got connected. We ended up being human again through connecting with one another in the primitive way. We all sat down and talked and got to know one another and through this we came out with www.kuantan4u.com; a virtual place for everyone to meet and interact and groom ideas and to tell the world what a wonderful place Kuantan is. The people, the culture, the diversity and of course the beauty of the place itself that made Kuantan what it is today and where it is heading tomorrow.
We wanted a name for this virtual place of ours and “Kuantan Corner”, “New Town Black Coffee” and others which I cannot recall but we were united behind kuantan4u.com and the rest was history.